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LE DON DE LA VUE, the documentary

We are pleased to present the new documentary « LE DON DE LA VUE » curated by the Etnia Barcelona Foundation❤️

Revisió a l'òptica Santa Yalla

“Sight is life”. This is the opening statement of the short documentary that tells the story of Etnia Barcelona Foundation’s project in Ziguinchor: the creation of the Santa Yalla Optique Solidaire. An initiative that arises in 2016 with the aim of providing visual health to the Senegalese people.

« LE DON DE LA VUE » reflects the great work of all these years that has been possible thanks to the Union Régionale Santa Yalla, our partners and the Etnia Barcelona Foundation’s team.

Discover the new documentary on our social media:



A film by: Adriana Cuenca @cuencaadri

Produced by:

Bambina Films @bambinafilms Luna Esquerdo

Mediawander @mediawander Adriana Cuenca

Etnia Barcelona team: Aitana Modolell, Paola Muñoa, Aida Cabrera, Marta Bobi, Carla Gutiérrez, Albert Grau, Edu Pitarch

Color by: Ruben Galamba @metropolitanacolor

Voice Over: Aitana Modolell, Madame Mané, Fatu Akoyo, Silvia Naranjo.

Translation by: Tony Leigh