We visit the Barcelona ZONA FRANCA District On March 10 we visited the Barcelona “Zona Franca” district as part of our “looking into your eyes” project.
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Looking into your eyes: Carmel
We visit the Barcelona CARMEL District On February 17 we visited the Barcelona “CARMEL” district as part of our “looking into your eyes” project. 100 boys
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World Sight Day 2016
“Our mission is to provide optical attention and care to the most vulnerable families and so help improve both their sight and quality of life” Etnia
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Self-supporting, charity optician in Mozambique
We’re just back from Mozambique, where we’ve been working with the Ojos del Mundo and Essilor Internacional 2.5 New Vision Generation foundations working in southern Africa
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We look into your eyes : Raval
We visit AEI RAVAL. On the 3rd of June, we went to the Barcelona neighbourhood of the Raval to continue working on the “We look into
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Expedition to Senegal :: May
In 2016, together with Associació Mirades and Asociación Gesta-África, we concluded two expeditions to schools in Senegal in May and November to detect and correct vision
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Looking into your eyes
We launch “WE LOOK INTO YOUR EYES PROJECT” in NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRES IN CATALONIA The starting point for this project is to ensure that everyone enjoys good
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